Sunday, March 9, 2025
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World Occupational Safety and Health Day
April 28, 2021 (May 8, 1400) World Occupational Safety and Health Day
Predicting, preparing for and responding to crises
Invest in occupational safety and health systems now to increase resilience
The Covid-19 epidemic has posed unprecedented challenges to governments, employers, workers, and the general public in relation to the virus, and has had a profound impact on the world of work. World Occupational Safety and Health Day, using lessons learned and experiences from the world of work, will focus on strategies for strengthening National Occupational Safety and Health Systems (OSH) with the aim of increasing the resilience of occupational safety and health systems in the face of current and future crises. Had.
Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact everywhere since the outbreak in early 2020, as a global crisis. The epidemic has affected almost every aspect of the world of work, from the risk of transmitting the virus in the workplace to occupational safety and health (OSH) risks, which have led to important measures to reduce the spread of the virus. New work practices, such as the widespread use of telecommuting, have provided many opportunities for workers, but have also brought potential risks to occupational safety and health (OSH), especially psychosocial risks and violence in the workplace.
World Occupational Safety and Health Day 2021 focuses on the application of the elements of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System contained in the structure of the 2006 Occupational Safety and Health Convention (No. 187). The World Occupational Safety and Health Day report shows how the Corona virus crisis demonstrated the importance of strengthening the Occupational Safety and Health Management (OSH) system, including occupational health services at both the national and corporate levels.
The International Labor Organization will use this opportunity to raise awareness and raise awareness about the importance of investing in occupational safety and health resilience by using regional and national examples to reduce and prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the workplace.
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