Sunday, March 9, 2025
Portal update instructions
1- Title
Ø The title contains keywords
Ø Do not use commas.
Ø Follow the editing tips
Ø Do not use words that are banned by search engines
2- mutual connection
Ø Search engines, especially Google, are sensitive to the number of links to your site and affect it in the ranking of your site.
Ø Build a page of useful links and link to similar sites, your site, especially sites that rank well in search engines.
Ø Ask other sites to link to your site.
3- Insert keywords of the site (keywords)
Search engines value this section and it has an effect on your site ranking. Separate keywords with commas. In this way, in the least space, the possibility of various combinations of keywords of your site will be included.
ØThe ratio of keywords to other words on a page is called keyword density. For example, if you have 100 words on a page and four of them are keywords on your site, the keyword density of that page is 4%. Try to set a density of about 3 to 20% for your site's keywords.
Ø Choose your keywords in combination
Ø Write down the words you think are most searched by search engines
Ø Be sure to separate the keywords with the character.
Ø Select keywords from the text of the same page
Ø Be sure to write your page title in keywords
4- Tips for inserting the foot of the page
Ø Be sure to change the footer of your site page. Try to write the format as below.
Ø Address: Tehran, address of the constituency
Ø Phone: (enter with the code) Email: Be from the domain
Ø All material and intellectual rights of this site belong to Tehran Water and Sewerage Company and a copy of its contents is possible by mentioning the source.
5- Communication between pages
Ø Work on your content pages so that anyone who enters the page in any way can not leave (increase the length of time people are on your site).
Ø Use in-page links so that the site visitor does not use the Back and Forward buttons of the software.
6- Tips for converting files to PDF
One way to increase the retrieval of information contained in the website by search engines is to enrich the content files. PDF content that is extracted from other formats such as word, power point, etc., should have the following conditions:
Ø Before converting a word file to PDF, make sure that the fonts used in the word file are standard.
Ø Use standard software to convert files to PDF that can support Persian fonts.
Ø The text of PDF files can be searched using Acrobat software in-text search tools.
7- File size
Files that are uploaded to the site are compressed and have a volume of less than 30 MB.
8-Contact page ... (Contact ...)
Some search engines, especially Yahoo, will not list your site if your mailing address is not on the site. Be sure to put the mailing address on the site, just putting the mailbox address is not enough. Enter the contact numbers and addresses of your domain.
9- Language
The main language of all portals is Persian. The home page and the main entry page must be uploaded in Persian. If the site is bilingual or multilingual, it should be possible for users to change the language on all pages.
10- General format of text writing

Choose a descriptive title of 5 to 8 words. Title is the first thing that comes up in search engines.
The following should be considered in choosing the title or title:

Original title

Tahoma 14 B


Tahoma 12

Content color


the text of paragraphs

Tahoma 18

List contents

Numbered and unnumbered lists

English texts

Time New Roman 14

11- Sitemap
Put the link of all important sections of the site in the site map. Put a sitemap on the first page of your site because some search engines only visit the first page of your site.

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