Sunday, March 9, 2025
Code of Ethics
Ethical Charter of Alborz Province Water and Sewerage Company
We, the employees of the Water and Sewerage Company, as servants of the community, with the aim of providing services, honoring human beings, cooperation and trying to satisfy the client, which is the satisfaction of the one Creator, will be allied and based on the following belief principles. Country step;
We believe that worship, civilization and human education are the main axis of human development and growth, and we believe in salvation and happiness in the presence of God.
Orbital province
We believe that achieving worldly success and happiness in the hereafter will not be possible except in the shadow of following and obeying the absolute authority of the jurisprudent.
The rule of law
We put the protection of the law and the adaptation of thought and practice to it at the forefront of our work, and we consider it our duty to move in the path of the law under any circumstances.
Serve the people and be accountable
We consider serving the people and being accountable to God as our legal and human duty. Our services are decorated with the principle of customer orientation, accuracy, speed, honesty, order, Islamic rapport and foresight according to the standards of Islamic and Iranian culture.
We believe that the culture of self-sacrifice in Iran is a divine value and we will fulfill our religious duties to the country with self-sacrifice.
We believe that what we have is a divine trust, so maintaining and using them within the framework of justice and meritocracy based on justice is always our top priority, and in this way we prevent any corruption.
In order to promote the culture of optimal use of resources, by avoiding extravagance and choosing the optimal model, we are thankful to God for all the blessings and goodness and we try to do our part in improving the productivity of the country's resources and preserving it for future generations. do .
Productivity and continuous improvement
Continuous improvement and promotion of productivity and savings are at the forefront of our minds, in order to achieve gradual but continuous progress and success in all endeavors.
Teamwork for the common good
We are aware of our serious responsibility for the betterment of our society and all our compatriots, and we consider the preservation of unity, reliance on collective wisdom, public participation in the shadow of unremitting efforts and vigilance in an atmosphere of trust as the source of promotion and growth of present and future generations.
Knowledge Orientation and Innovation
We always strive to increase what we have learned, improve our attitude and cultivate our skills, and put creativity and innovation at the forefront of our thinking in all areas.
Respect and humility
We try to be sincere and humble towards others, especially our colleagues and clients, and by fulfilling our duties and obligations, respect their rights and needs, and move with a sense of responsibility and commitment in performing the duties of the Water and Sewerage Company.
We hope that our efforts will bear fruit so that Islamic Iran, as always, will be the supreme and supreme model for the world.
Committee on Administrative Health and Protection of Citizenship Rights, Chastity and Hijab - March 95 Review
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