Sunday, March 9, 2025
HSE slogans
Facilities are important, but personnel safety is more important.
It's a happy ending that will not happen.
Safety first - then work.
Safety is a precious gem, with the encouragement of its maintenance staff.
Learn from the accidents of others.
A small mistake can cause a big accident.
Safety is an essential principle of employment.
Environmental pollution threatens human life.
Never ignore flaws.
If you are interested in your own and your children's well-being, make safety and health your top priority.
The presence of the group leader in the workplace is a major factor in preventing accidents.
Do not place hand tools on the floor in the hallways.
Safety supplies are passed between you and the accident.
Use of the phone in noisy environments is mandatory.
Following safety principles is a guarantee for your health and the well-being of your family.
Statistics show that most accidents are caused by a small carelessness.
The first mistake is the last mistake.
The presence of a motorcycle helmet in the event of an accident can prevent seventy-five percent of head injuries.
Be careful to live longer!
Avoid accidents, but not in words but in deeds.
The importance and urgency of anything is not so great that it can not be done in this safe way.
If you are interested in your own happiness and that of your children, make protection your top priority.
Safety is achieved when we know how to avoid danger.
Caution is the condition of reason.
Avoid carrying multiple packages with two hands that prevent you from seeing, reduce the number of packages and increase the number of times you carry them.
Did you know that dangerous jokes in the workplace are one of the most important causes of accidents?
Do not pass under a suspended and unstable load.
The use of personal protective equipment (masks, gloves, etc.) is essential when working with chemicals.
If you are exposed to objects being thrown or thrown, you should wear a sturdy yet lightweight helmet to avoid injury.
Safety is an issue for everyone.
Do not carry work tools in your pocket.
Avoid contact with suspicious objects.
Avoid contaminating the wound with dust or contact with work tools.
Use the experiences of others.
Remove defective tools from the environment.
Safety is the guarantor of health.
If you do not know, ask.
Avoid jokes and actions that may upset your colleagues.
Always use your protective equipment.
Do not rely on luck, follow the work instructions face to face.
Electricity is a servant who can also be a murderer.
Pay special attention to safety instructions and signs.
It is better to learn from the business of the injured than to be injured ourselves.
To work with different tools and equipment, you must use the appropriate gloves.
By observing safety principles, we can prevent the increase of accident statistics.
The cost of any accident is always heavy.
Think safety.
After finishing the work, put the tools and equipment in your special place.
Electricity loves someone who is afraid of him.
Think about doing everything first.
In the hope that one day the principles of safety will be observed in all social matters.
Bulky packages block vision.
There is no danger, let's be ready.
Think safe to be safe.
Hitting the hand with a sharp and sharp tool that comes out of the pocket, injures the hand.
Use first aid as soon as your hand or other organ is injured, the slightest injury or scratch can endanger your health.
Avoid accidents by using personal protective equipment.
Use first aid as soon as your limbs and other limbs are amputated.
Pay attention to safety instructions to save your life.
Practice safety in the right way.
Prevention is more effective than cure.
Do not postpone today's prevention to tomorrow's treatment.
Decide to spend the New Year without incident.
To experience is to experience error.
Take safety advice seriously.
A minor injury due to incontinence has become a dangerous purulent foci threatening your health.
For safety, inspect the work.
Never touch the cable as there is no electricity.
Why does a wise man regret what he did?
Keep yourself clean.
Think well to reach the destination well.
Danger is not always visible.
Danger is always lurking.
Always keep in mind the risk of the load breaking or opening and falling.
The accident does not happen by itself but has a cause.
Predict events before they happen.
Achieving safety is the result of collective cooperation.
Protection is the guarantor of health, your loved ones are waiting for your health to return home.
Predict events before they happen, because a happy day is a day without accidents.
Accidents are preventable.
Maintaining your health is the most precious principle in life.
Protecting the lives of employees is much easier and better than compensating for accidents at work.
You should wear regular and correct clothes while working.
Work in a calm environment.
Knowing the safety tips is not enough to follow them.
Safety equipment often runs out of experience.
The vents and holes in the floor of the workshop should be enclosed by a fence and with a red light (a warning sign) to ensure that the taxi does not fall into it.
There is a kind of negligence behind every incident.
Beware of sharp objects on your way.
Accidents will be prevented in whatever wisdom and caution are used together.
Wear protective shoes when working with objects so that your foot will not be injured if a heavy object falls.
Exit doors and leading corridors
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