Sunday, March 9, 2025
Yad Yaran
Part of the will of Martyr Mohammad Mehdi Karimi
After acknowledging the oneness of God Almighty, I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God and that the Imams are the successors of the Prophet of God. Let me mention a few things:
1- My mother, continue your way as you have been a revolutionary until now, and I know that you did not see any good in the world and you suffered a lot. Rely on God and support the revolution and the Imam.
2- My dear brothers, continue the path of the martyrs and support dear Islam; May the deception of the world not deprive you of the main path, which is the path of the Imams and the martyred nation of Iran, and try not to neglect your children and strive for their Islamic education.
3- My dear sisters, observe as much as Islam's commands regarding Islamic ethics and hijab, and practice from the master of women of the world, Fatemeh Al-Zahra (peace be upon her), and pay less attention to luxuries and know that life is simple, very comfortable. Is wet.
4- My wife, you have the mission of Zainab and you are the heirs of the blood of the martyrs. People's eyes are on you and your behavior shows your dignity and your hijab is a sword on the body of colonialism, hypocrites and enemies of Islam. Zeinab, be diligent in educating my children that the light of this nation should always be shining. My children, hold the flag of the father and support Islam and continue the blood of the martyrs.
5- My dear friends, dear Islam, you have set your eyes on your efforts and zeal, you have made a revolution, you must end it and not be indifferent. Fill in the Friday prayers and hold the congregational prayers in the mosque.
If I did badly and could not do my duty, forgive me well so that God may be pleased with me.

Part of the will of Martyr Sohrab Kia
ولاحسن الذین قلتوا فی سبیل الله امواتا بل احیاء عند ربهم یرزقون
Do not think that those who were martyred in the way of truth are dead; Rather, they are a life with their Lord and with rewards and ..
Dear people, as a lowly child and as a younger brother and a fellow citizen, I desperately ask all the people who are upset with each other in some way and God forbid it is violence to kiss each other's faces and reconcile with each other. Remove the hatred that they have in their hearts from their religious brothers for the sake of God, Muhammad (PBUH) and his family, and for the sake of the satisfaction of your martyrs, and instead plant the seedlings of friendship, brotherhood, equality, humanity and the responsibility of being a Muslim. And after that, consult together on all matters and make difficult tasks together.
May you, my dear family, serve these faithful people; Never turn your back on them, and if there is any danger to them, you will defend them to the last drop of your blood.
In the end, I entrust all of you to God Almighty and you will be saved, God willing.
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